Checa tu nivel de inglés.

Check the correct option.

1. Lina ________ worried.

Check the correct option.

2. Sam and Peter ________ doctors.

Check the correct option.

3. I ________ a teacher.

Check the correct option.

4. ________ time is it?

Check the correct option.

5. ________ old are you?

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

6. I get up / gets up at five o’clock every day.

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

7. My brother exercise / exercises in the park in the afternoons.

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

8. I take always / always take a shower.

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

9. How much / How many sugar is there?

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

10. Does Susan works / work in a bank?

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

11. How much / How many apples are there in the kitchen?

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

12. There’s / There are a lot of apples.

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

13. Is there any / some soup?

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

14. Does / Do your brothers have wavy hair?

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

15. My parents doesn’t / don’t watch TV.

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

16. I saw / have seen the movie last night.

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

17. Have you visited / Did you visit Disneyland when you were in California?

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

18. I have seen / saw that movie many times.

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

19. I have typed / have been typing letters all morning and I haven’t finished yet

II. Underline the word that completes each sentence correctly.

20. I wish I was / were older.

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¡Bien hecho! Guillermo Castellanos Garcia
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